Let's get started....

First things First

Hi, my name is Shaundra, your Pink and Green Health Coach and I am so excited that you have decided to put yourself FIRST and allow me to guide you on your own unique health journey. You can find out more about me with my bio, certification, experience and more on the Pink and Green Health Coach website here.

Getting Started

Now that you've had a change to view the website and my bio to learn a little about me, I'd love to get to know you! What brings you to health coaching and how can my coaching empower you on your health and wellness journey.




Because I honor bio-individuality, and everyone is on their own path towards health and wellness, describe what you'd like to work on in this partnership that we'll form.

  • Are you constantly tired and need more energy to get through the day and accomplish what you need to do?
  • Would you like to loose weight to feel better and reach some goals that your health care provider has recommended for you?
  • Would you like to gain strength, tone areas of your body, and feel better as you move through your day?
  • Are you interested in increasing your nutrition and adapting your diet?
  • How about cooking more? Do you know how to shop to suit your health needs in the grocery store?
  • Do you think its time to explore your education, career, and/or finances?
  • What is your creative outlet and is it serving you in all aspects of your life?
  • How about strengthening your current relationships?
  • Does your social life need a boost?
  • Your home is your sanctuary -- or is it?
  • How is your spirt? What brings you joy? Who/what sustains you to keep pushing through?

How does this coaching program work?

We can customize based on your timeline and what you share at your health history session to design a program that truly fits YOU. Along these lines we'll strive to

  • Meet bi-weekly: Meeting every other week over the course of six months allows participants that I coach to have "real life" experiences in between the times that we talk and plenty of time to incorporate suggestions and health and wellness practices that we uncover during our session. As they say, it takes 21 days to make a habit...so let's get to it and build from there!
  • Zoom phone/webinar meetings: I work with partners around the world so my "virtual" office is waiting and ready to be scheduled for our use during your time zone. We'll meet for 50 minutes on camera to "see" one another during our sessions. Be sure to create this special "you" time with no noise or disruptions, preferably a quiet space where you can shut the door and turn off the TV/other noise. A great wifi connection is so important for our time together so we are not disrupted and can maximize our time together without "technical difficulties".
  • P. is for practice: I'll provide emails, texts, handouts and links to videos and resources for your to incorporate your health and wellness practice for two weeks and then report back how it works for you in our next session.
  • Open heart Open mind: Again, I am so glad you are here and taking this incredible first step on this health and wellness journey. I am #TeamYou all the way and will empower you, support you and hold you accountable to reaching the healthier changes that you are seeking. I ask that you keep an open mind when learning about new things that we develop specifically for you and take the time to try them. You can always express what you loved and what does not work for you. I encourage this open dialog in our partnership. I want you to receive the very best I have to give you as your coach. In return I ask that you are honest with me, value our scheduled time together, and most importantly...keep this commitment to yourself!

In the next section, please review, complete, sign and date the Program Agreement. I will review this with you at your Health History meeting, sign and return it to you with your Program Schedule and payment agreement.

Complete and Continue