πŸ₯‡ Get started with your 10-Day Health Challenge

Are You Ready To Get Started?

 You are about to start a 10-Day Health Challenge (formerly known as the 10-Day Detox) from toxins such as sugar, caffeine, dairy, meat, and processed/packaged foods. We're going to incorporate so many great nutrients by eating plant based. You'll also practice daily self-care through a special experience I have curated just for you.


I ask that as you participate in this 10 day experience, you come in with a "beginner's mind" to see things in a new way. You can explore new food choices and self-care practices during this journey to increase your overall health and wellness.

I welcome you to share your experience on social media using #PG10DayHealthChallenge. 

On Facebook and LinkedIn tag @thepinkandgreenhealthcoach 

On Instagram and Twitter tag @pg_healthcoach 

as you move through each day and would like to share parts of your experience.

In the next section please be sure to review and print the following:

  • The 10-DAY HEALTH CHALLENGE KIT, a full 15-page magazine that will serve as your guide as you prepare to start your detox and flow through the experience day by day.
  • Your SHOPPING LIST to prepare before you start your challenge

Let me know if you have any questions as you prepare to start on day 1.

I’m so excited to see what this 10-day health challenge has in store for you as you bring your health and wellness to the next level!


Shaundra Brown, MScEd


[email protected]

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